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any news on updates?

Hello, the game is progressing, just slowly. I elaborated a bit more on it in a comment before this one.

well, progress is progress. as long as something is getting done.

hope all is well

Things are fine. The game is progressing, just slowly. I had planned for the update to take half a year since it would include all the actual gameplay features I wanted in the game and they are all interlinked so I can't make piece-meal demos out of them without breaking the overall structure. Unfortunately it's taking longer than I wanted since I had some life troubles earlier and I currently don't have as much time to work as I did, but the game is still in development. I just don't want to post anything about it yet since I don't want to drive up hype and then  have people wait even longer. I'm aiming for the update to be finished around the end of the year. I know it's a long time to wait, but I think the amount of content will be worth it. Thank you for your patience.

Do what you gotta do bud

(4 edits) (+1)

that is a awesome game. love the work. I wish you everything goes well on your end, CountMoxi.

hope to see more games soon. Hopefully a game about Temmie from  Tem Shop (Undertale) with similar features like in renapet. Showing Temmie your Colleg skills to her with different positions. raising her money, etc.  :P ;) 


Glad you like it  so far! And  I will be making more games soon when I'm able to get back to working on things. I won't make any promises, but I'll keep that Temmie game idea in mind haha

Deleted 3 years ago

Unfortunately I don't currently since I needed to take a hiatus to figure out some life problems. But once I get things figured out I'll get back to working on this and will update it when I can!

Deleted 3 years ago

It actually looks pretty good, despite only being bare bones.



So the game has only two options so far?


Yeah, the game is just a bare bones proof of concept right now and unfortunately I don't have time to really work on it. But I do plan to continue it and will let everyone know when I can work on it again.


It's  realy a  good game.Looking forward to the full version of this game!


This game looks really good so far, made an account just to say that and comment to ask when the next update will be? (also sorry that you get alot of questions asking this.  Its just a good game and we want to see it updated lol)

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you liked it so far! Unfortunately I had to take a hiatus in order to figure out some life problems that I've been ignoring for too long and that threw a wrench in my plans as far as knowing when things will be finished/ updated.  And I don't mind the questions at all. The only problem I have with them is the fact that I don't have better news for you guys in terms of when I'll be able to work on things again. But I'll try to get things situated as fast as I can so I can get back to making stuff. 


Take as long as you need then and I hope the irl stuff gets better :)

Deleted 5 years ago

Yes it should be possible, I will try to include a Linux build when I find time to finally update this game. I won't be able to test it properly, so there may be some bugs in it. As for resolutions, it will have a  natural resolution of 320x180 and you'll be able to multiply it (x2, x3, x4) to increase it or decrease it to fit your window size. 


There may not be much, but I really like what we got!  Keep up the great work! ^^

(1 edit)

Yeah it's definitely bare bones at the moment, but once I get off my hiatus I hope to flesh it out more and add some actual gameplay haha Glad you like it so far and thanks!

this is demonic15e jus different name and I hope that it is coming along good

Hello Demonic. Unfortunately I ran into some life issues that are taking longer than I expected to fix so I haven't made as much progress as I'd like to. But I'm gonna try my best to fix things and at least have a new demo out before the end of the year.

I really hope you continue with this!

I intend to! Unfortunately, I will be on hiatus for a while, but I'll get to it as soon as I can!

so, why isnt this labeled as a demo? or when will the official release be, well, released?

Sorry if you were misinformed about the state of the game. I tried to inform people that this was very much still a work in progress via the description but if you have suggestions on how I can make it clearer I'm open to them. As for when the next update will happen, currently I'm not sure since I'm currently on a hiatus while I figure out some life problems, but at the very least I aim to get it out before the year is over.

that's gud, i would very much love to see the finished game.

Deleted 1 year ago

I appreciate the kind words and support ^-^ Though the game really isn't too much at the moment. I'm currently on hiatus, but I will be working on this and get it completed sometime in the future.

Its full or just a demo?

It's just a proof of concept demo so there isn't really any meaningful content yet.  Going to try a get a new build out with most of the planned features before the end of the year once I come back from my hiatus.

Just wondering, are you planning to make this game for Android?


At the moment I'm focusing on making it for PC and maybe Mac, but I'm keeping porting it to mobile in mind design-wise and once I wrap up a good stable demo I'll see if I can make an android build to test how it works. Can't promise I'll be able to make android builds as PC ones are made but I'll see if I can give it a shot


Its great so far, Keep up the great work I made a account jus to leave a comment!


Thank you! I'll try my best to make a great game for you guys! ^-^

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