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Big fan of your work, CountMoxi. I really hope you're taking care of yourself during this Covid-19 issue. It's be tragic to lose an amazing person, and talented pixel game maker such as yourself

Hopefully, an updated demo for Renapet with anal will come soon. The anal scene is doggy style, correct? Couldn't tell on my phone cause the picture links were broken.

All I know is I wanna see her big ass get pounded. Don't get me wrong, I love Fabiofera's Digi Waifu game, but still.

Don't worry, I'm making sure to stay safe and healthy. Make sure you are taking care of yourself too!

As for the demo, I'm currently working on it now. A devlog will be released shortly detailing the next update. The anal scene will be doggystyle and the devlog will have some of the animations for the scene for you all to preview!

And yeah Digi Waifu and Dragon Waifu were a lot of fun haha I'm looking forward to their next game! 

Thank you. And I look forward to the upcoming Devlog.

Also, there WAS another decent one: A Night with Laverne. But yeah, Dragon Waifu was bae. Dat ass was worth worship. (Obviously an ass man.)

The updates will be  auto? 

Not sure what you mean by "auto", but I'm working on the next update now. I will make a devlog about it soon

I was talking about that if it updates itself. If i have it already downloaded The game 

Oh, no the game won't have auto updates. So I'll make sure to let you all know when a new update is available!

A ok then. 

Will The game remain free


Yep. The game will be free. Once I release a full proper demo, patrons will receive updates a bit early before the public release for future builds.

so what date will the game be free

that's fair

This game looks fantastic. know when the next update Rollin' out?


Aiming for next week or so. Working on the anal scene and the Rena-Catch mini game, so once I wrap those up, I'll release a new update!

Niiiice can't wait

When will the next update come up?

I'm not 100% sure exactly when. I'm working on the anal scene and the Rena-Catch mini-game right now, and once those are done I'll release  anew update.  I'm hoping to wrap it up in the next week or so.

Buttons not working...

The anal scene isn't in yet. The lastest demo was just to test the UI in the game, and future updates will be putting in more content.


I was ya first comment : ) 

Aye welcome back haha


Can please tell me it isn't working?

If it's not installing, it's probably because there isn't enough space. Android games need not only the space for the game, but the system requires a bit more as well, in my experience. Try to free up some space and then try again and let me know if that works.

I download it on android it isn't installing

New UI looks amazing, love it. 

Keep it up!!!

Hey there,

Quick question, is this project still being developed? It looks really good and reading the update log, it seems you have a lot of great things planned for the future?

Yeah I'm still developing it. Things are a tad slow, but I'll do my best to get it finished!

That's great to hear, can't wait. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Will be definitely dropping a generous donation on next update :)

Its looking really good


So i downloaded it, and read the description that only a couple buttons work, but does the one selection for the love catagory not work or am i doing something wrong?

No it doesn't lead to a new scene yet, but once I finish the animations for it, that will be added in next.

A new scene? I click on the anal button and it doesnt do anything.

That's what I mean, the button for the anal scene is done, but pressing the button doesn't do anything yet since the animations for the anal scene itself are not ready yet. 

Oh I see.

in the ui it wont let me do any of the action or click on any of the actions

Most of the buttons don't do anything yet. The latest demo was just meant to test the UI and I will be adding to it as things go on.

I downloaded the old and the UI Test. The old one works for me but the UI Test it dont run for me due the OpenGL version (My graphics drivers are up to date tho) its my pc is mid-low end

Hmmm, it should still work on low end computers. Can you let me know what error you're specifically getting?

(1 edit)

First of all im so sorry for late reply. Second the message error i get is this: 

Window name: Unable to initialize Video driver

Message in the window:

Your video card driver does not support any of the supported OpenGL versions.

Please update your drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU to upgrade it.

Thats what i get when i attempt to open it. And my OpenGL is 1.1 and cant update because its already up to date

Heya, sorry for the delay on the response on this. I did some research and unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can fix the issue you're having. The old demo was made in Unity while the new demos will be made with the Godot engine.

If you have the time, can you take a look at my game Neko Touch? It's on my page. It has a web build, and I want to see if you can run that one. Renapet will eventually have  a web build, so that might be a good work around for the future for you. 

(6 edits)

Dont worry about it also I'll try both web build and download it too, after i try them out i'll reply to you again to see how they go on my end

Edit 1: The Windows build says the same message about the Graphic OpenGL thing, right now downloading the web build

Edit 2: i tried the online and the download version of the Web Build and in the loading it says "Failed loading file 'index.wasm' " also i think i tried Neko Touch time ago but i dont remember if it was here on itchio or somewhere else but now something went bad, i dont know

you fucker i thought you were dead but it's good to see you still working on this 

I'm trying my best haha


The UI is good, but the music is very loud, i recommend use a "fade in" for the music


Hmm gotcha, I'll look into that for the next build

cool idea but……

error 0xc000007b happens

this game breaks my pc

I really want to play it ; -;


Hmm, I haven't heard about that error happening yet. From looking it up though it seems like it's an error when it comes to opening applications on windows. You might want to Google the error code and look at some of the solutions.

But this shouldn't happen with the new demo. I still have a few things to do for it, so I'm not sure when it will be out, but I'll be making a devlog about it soon.

when do you pot the new demo?

i cant seem to purchase

the game is free,  just not out yet

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I want to leave it as a possibility. So as I'm developing it I want to keep touch controls in mind.

(1 edit) (+5)

Yo, just wanna know, no pressure.
how is the project at the moment?
you said that there will be an update in the mounth of jannurary. but nothing yet.
are you ok?

ikr count said thered be an update in jan but now its feb i hope this project wasnt abandoned and forgotten

(1 edit) (+3)

Yeah sorry. The project is still in development, but I had to finish some other animations last year that ended up taking the bulk of my time. I was hoping I could wheel around and finish the work needed for the Renapet update, but unfortunately I think I burned myself out a bit. Due to this I'm taking a few days off to recharge and will be restructuring my Patreon work load to make it more manageable. I'm still eager to get this game done. I'll be making a detailed devlog soon and will show off a few things I've been working on. Thanks for your patience.

its all good, take your time :)


Take how much time you need to update the game, i know you are doing this entire game alone but, its been a year since this game was launched with no updates since then


Hey County, since there isn't a linux built I would suggest you to use a Virtual linux machine or install a linux partition on your HDD or SSD 

PS:I'm writing this cuz some people want a linux ver (I'm not part of them)


That's a good point. I'll look into a virtual machine for my PC so I can test new builds of the games I make for each type of machine. I appreciate the advice ^-^

One more thing, just in case that you won't be using linux just to test your games, you must have in mind the fact that a virtual machine will never be as good as the host system, so if you need full power the best option is a partition.

now this is hot

oh man, can't wait :D

will the game's creator launch the new demo on the 31st at 23:59

and when update been release


Can't wait for the next update. There's some serious potential here and I'm happy I'll get to see it soon.

Is it me being impatient or is there only Sex > Vagiana available? o3o


Mobile Version Please

update soon

Just recently made a new dev log explaining the state of the project. Should have a new demo near the end of the November at the very least!

Almost done? Or will it take longer than expected?


Unfortunately the update will be pushed to December. I will be prioritizing Renapet for December and January so I can work to get the project in a good state. I will make a Dev log about it soon to inform everyone.

will you be able to train her to be fit and others secret?


Hmm... that was originally a system I was going to have in place to correspond with a few other stats back when the game had a smaller scale, but with the amount of animations needed I'm not too sure if I'll keep it in. 

If it were to be in, it would only affect the home screen sprites, some of the sprites in the menus, and maybe the love scene animations. They wouldn't affect the fight portion animations as that would be way too much work given the amount of frames she has already.

I'll keep you all posted on it once I get back into the swing of things.

So...can we see what's rolling on in the project?

Just to make us more hyped ... ;3

For now I don't want to drive up too much hype since a new demo would still be a few months away, but when I get closer to having a build ready, I'll make sure to make an update to inform everyone.

Is everything going ok? I saw your blog and I got a bit worried for you :

Things could be worse. I'll manage to make it work one way or another.


Hey cheer up bro :3

You're an awesome artist, and probably an awesome guy/girl too.

Hope everything is fine ;3


do you have a patreon or some site where we can support you by giving you money? I'll gladly give you some for this work


I appreciate the support, but I want to prove I can deliver a product to you guys before I ask for any consistent money donations. I will start/ announce one once I have a few finished products I can use to showcase what I can do.


ok dude then good luck on this contact me if you change your mind




good ethics


An update is currently planned to release around the end of the year.



Im looking forwards to this, If you might need any help with the code or logic behind it let me know.


Currently I'm looking to work on it by myself, but I appreciate the offer and will let you know if I need help.

Deleted 1 year ago

I don't know when the full game will be completed, but I'm aiming to release a new update around the end of the year.

when will there be a new update?

I'm currently aiming for around the end of the year to release a new update.

Down-to-the-minute partial renewal


I'm sorry... but no. I know that you might have wanted to make this game and all that... but you made a basic gif game. That's it. Not even a very good gif, since it's 8/16-bit. This really should have been given much more to do, but this? This isn't even alpha. This is bad. 


That's fair. I think for the game jam it was a bit too ambitious of a title to do, especially since I wasn't able to work on it the full month. This was at most a proof of concept rather than an alpha and I had planned for it to be expanded upon later but due to my hiatus, the update got pushed a lot further back than I wanted it to be. But I am still working on it and making it the game I want it to be. Personally I like pixel art and think it has some unique qualities that can really make animations pop and leave more of an impact if done right, but to each their own.

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